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Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Map Pack Screenshots

The following maps will be in the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Map Pack, due June 3rd, 2010. In order of appearance below: Strike and Vacant from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Then 3 new maps titled Fuel, Trailer Park and Carnival.

I am glad that all the new maps are during the day and no “night time and/or rainy” maps are in this final map pack we will most likely ever see for Modern Warfare 2.

Strike from Call of Duty 4 to Modern Warfare 2: You will notice a few changes in just this picture alone, then the original Strike in COD4. Which is personally my favorite map from COD4 and I am glad MW2 is getting it.

Vacant from Call of Duty 4 to Modern Warfare 2: This map as well from COD4 has some changes done to it then from the original Vacant in COD4.

Fuel: I think this map will be one of my favorite new maps in MW2. Minus the sniping aspect of it. Completely unique from the other maps. The setting is an oil refinery and is split into two sections. One area is wide-open for snipers and the other half is a large warehouse with tight corridors.

Trailer Park: Contains tight corridors and condensed areas. Very maze-like with obvious choke points. In context of the game, this map is the living quarters for the people who run the Boneyard level found in Modern Warfare 2’s singleplayer campaign. The Boneyard will be viewable in the background.

Carnival: Desolate amusement park with excellent vantage points for snipers. It’s “unlike anything we’ve ever done before,” said Bowling. The map takes place during the daytime and includes all original art and model assets. Bowling added that the team really wanted to include this in the first map pack, but the team needed additional time for polish. It’s a fairly large map and includes many set pieces, such as roller-coasters, a fun house, and bumper cars.

May 14th, 2010 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2’s Second Map Pack Arrives June 3rd

Activision announced today that the second and final map pack for Modern Warfare 2 will be released on June 3rd, 2010. This map pack is titled the Resurgence Pack and will more than likely be $15, the same as the first map pack.

This also will likely be the end of Infinity Ward after, probably when such map pack is finally released for PlayStation 3 and PC. Though, Activision did not announce if there would be a map pack for PlayStation 3 and/or PC though.

The only details that were released is that there will be 5 maps in this map pack, no word if 2 of those maps are from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare or not.

If you would like to be updated with the latest Resurgence Map Pack news, then please subscribe to this feed, our Twitter feed or bookmark our site.

May 13th, 2010 | Comments (0)

People’s definition today of camping is far from correct

I do not know about you, but today I am pretty sure that the word most commonly used after a game is “camping” in one context or another.

But what people do not realize, 90% of the time, is that no one was really camping. I will start with a few examples of what camping is and what camping is not. I will use Modern Warfare 2 in these examples as well but you can use these with pretty much any game out there.

For someone to be camping, they hardly move anywhere throughout the entire match. I do not know about you, but if I am playing a game of Modern Warfare 2 I am not going to run and gun my way through a match. We all play this and other games differently. Majority of the people I play with, love to keep a very high kill to death ratio not only per match but in our stats as well. You can and we do, achieve this on a daily/nightly basis without ever so much as camping.

But do not say that to the other team, if they accusing you of camping. It is even better not to even explain yourself to them, just use the best feature in the lobby and/or Xbox Live the mute button (or even further, block communications if it has gone that far). You will never win such an argument that you were not camping, and it would just be a waste of time trying to explain it to these people that clearly have no idea what they are talking about. While kill cams can sometimes come to a conclusion you were camping, it is not always as it seems.

What most people do not realize is that most people are either “turtling” or just purely not camping at all but just slowly moving along the map carefully but at the same time, probably not that slow. Also when I say this, this no where implies we have or ever will move along the map “crouched” nor slowly move corner to corner. You WILL find us on the “battlefield”.

There is another problem though with the word “camping” as well. We all have one point in time camped. That is just what you will sometimes get in a game or do yourself. If you play enough, you have done it at one point or another. While it be for that next kill to get your killstreak to if you are working on a weapon that may not be the best weapon in the game to go out and try to get kills with or just anything else. We have done it for those killstreaks, if our next kill is to get a harrier, why run out to the enemy spawn area or no where where your teammates are and most likely die for nothing? We will get the kill and then proceed on throughout the map, from that spot onto the next spot while never staying anywhere long.

Now that said, that is usually what happens to those on the other team to strike you or anyone else as “camping”. That one killed, just made them really pissed off and will instantly think every kill you get, you were camping for. In which, you should just ignore/mute them and move on. Honestly, at the end of the day, it is just a fun game. Everyone is mostly out to enjoy it but you will always have those kids that try to ruin the game. I am not just talking about people who call you campers though, there are other things people do to ruin the game. But that is for another post on another day, related to 10th prestige hackers, constant one man army grenade launchers and so forth.

May 12th, 2010 | Comments (0)

Here is why you should not snipe in MW2

Simply because everyone wants to be a damn sniper. I do not know what is worse lately in Modern Warfare 2, at least on Xbox 360, snipers or grenade launchers aka “noob tubes” because both are out of control.

I never understood with a game so unbalanced and with so many weapons, perks, killstreaks and the dumbest of them all, deathstreaks, would even need grenade launchers. I will not even get started on pain killer, we all hate it and those who suck, which is majority of you out there, most likely use it. If you were good player, you would just put on copycat and just never even use it, or use it, at least it is not as bad as the rest.

May 12th, 2010 | Comments (0)

MW2 Stimulus Map Pack Hits PSN Network

The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Map Pack has finally hit the PlayStation Network for a price of $14.99. This Map Pack is the same Map Pack that Xbox 360 received exclusively well over a month ago. So you PS3 players out there, go grab it now!

If you are unfamiliar with what maps are included in this DLC, the maps are Bailout, Salvage and Storm. Then also Overgrown and Crash which are maps from Call of Duty: 4.

May 4th, 2010 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 playlists updated! New Maps + Double XP

Robert “fourzerotwo” Bowling has just tweeted shortly ago the following:

Modern Warfare 2 playlists now updated. They should all have double XP and include the new maps in their rotation. May need to restart! #MW2

This is great news! I do not know what person thought it would be fun at all to everyone to have to play in a variety of game modes in order to just play the new maps. Thank you for listening to the community on solely this one issue Infinity Ward! Thank you!

March 31st, 2010 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 First Map Pack Released with Title Update

Modern Warfare 2’s New Map Pack’s have now been released! Grab them from the Marketplace or go to to purchase them and have them ready to download to your console.

You will also be getting a title update. This includes fixes for hacks, that will most likely be unpatched again, also improved local game searching, one many army tweaks, M9 challenge fix and much more.

March 30th, 2010 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 First Map Pack Release Time

We just got word that the Modern Warfare 2’s First Map Pack will be released at 7AM CST/5AM PST tomorrow!

March 29th, 2010 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Map Pack Preview

Here is the upcoming downloadable content “Stimulus Package” for Modern Warfare 2. Provided for you in High Definition (HD). There are 3 new maps, Bailout, Storm and Salvage. Then also 2 old maps from Call of Duty 4 (COD4), Crash and Overgrown.

This map pack is exclusive to Xbox Live for the first match and will be out on March 30th, 2010. After the exclusive month is up, you will be able to grab them on PS3 or PC. This map pack on Xbox Live is 1200 MSP.

March 23rd, 2010 | Comments (0)

Bad Company 2 M-Com Station Locations Achievement Guide

If you are looking to obtain the achievements or trophies for collecting all M-Com Stations in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 then watch both videos below (Part 1/2). These are in High Definition, they will auto play in High Definition too. If you open them in a new window, they may not. They are best viewed in 720p but 480p/360p is watchable too.

Complete Blackout Achievement for destroying all satellite uplinks. This is glitched so you will get it before getting all 24.
Communication Issues Achievement for destroying 15 satellite uplinks.
Link to the Past Achievement for destroying 1 satellite uplink.

I hope you enjoy this achievement/trophy guide. If you have any trouble, questions or anything else. Please do comment on this post or make a forum reply under this topic in mistical’s forums.

March 23rd, 2010 | Comments (0)