Modern Warfare 2 will feature third-person mode for pl ...

The upcoming release of Modern Warfare 2 will feature third-person mode for multiplayer playlists.

You never want to bring a third person along on a date — not unless that date happens to be November 10th. Infinity Ward’s community manager Robert Bowling (A.K.A. fourzerotwo) has taken control and confirmed that a third-person camera viewpoint will be available in this holiday’s monolithic Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, though it’ll be limited to specifically labeled online playlists.

“It’s not something you can toggle on and off in ANY game,” said Bowling. The special mode can only be played in private matches — toggled on or off just like “Hardcore” settings — or in playlists that are designated for third-person play. According to Bowling, everyone playing in a third-person playlist will be restricted to the viewpoint. “This is just another cool way to play the game,” he said, “you obviously will still have the option to play gametypes normal as well.”

Our friend, the internet, has an inscrutable video of some person running around in third person, but you’re probably better off waiting for the “awesome trailer” the folks at Infinity Ward have planned.
