bRos before hOes

MW2 update in testing, private match fix, model 1887’s balanced

Robert “fourzerotwo” Bowling has just tweeted information on the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 update for 360, PS3 and PC.

#MW2 Update in Test now: 1887s Balanced. Public “private” Match fix. Infinite Ammo fix. Prestige Hack on PS3 fix. Texture Hack on PC fix.

I’m really happy as well as most of you I’m sure, to see the “private” match crap get fixed. The new infinite ammo will be fixed too (which I did not experience yet, thank god). As my previous post stated, the Model 1887’s are for sure getting balanced! I just hope they get it right this time.

December 16th, 2009 | Comments (0)

MW2’s Model 1887’s downgrade in the works

KnownAsMclovin tweeted this on Twitter today:

@fourzerotwo Still loving the game! I mean, its amazing right now, but fix the 1887’s and private match glitches and it’ll be Perfect!

and Robert “fourzerotwo” Bowling replied with the following:

@KnownAsMclovin Thanks man. Expect to have both of those resolved as fast as we can.

This is good news! Now I already know the 1887’s have good range in real life, but in the game, in many people’s opinions the range is just too much. Those that you hear different from, most likely are the kids using this weapon and will soon not be able to get those easy kills, easily.

December 15th, 2009 | Comments (0)

Infinity Ward working on Private Match “Hack”

Just 5 minutes ago Robert Bowling “fourzerotwo” tweeted this:

Working with the @infinityward team for a solution to the Public “Private Match” hack going on in #MW2 at the moment. I’ll keep you posted.

Glad to see them actually working on something, especially this. Since lately it seems to be every few matches you will get put into these, it was very common last night.

Now if only they could work on matchmaking better. I don’t know how many times that it picks a host that should not be host, when I or others should be host, see below:

December 13th, 2009 | Comments (1)

Aliens was an early idea for Modern Warfare 2

How much worse of a game would Modern Warfare 2 of been if aliens were brought into the picture? Well be glad it never happened because it was an early idea. How would this really come into picture and who thought of the dumb idea of possibly bringing in aliens? I sure hope this was just a joke.

If they were to of, no possible way should this of ever been Modern Warfare 2 or even a sequel. It should then be turned into its own game by them. Now onto the article from VideoGamer. According to Modern Warfare 2 script writer Jesse Stern, had the team at Infinity Ward made different decisions early on in the production process, players could have ended up shooting aliens or even zombies in the record-breaking sequel.

“Infinity Ward’s Jason West, Steve Macuda, Todd Alderman, Mackey McCandlish and me would talk about the kinds of stories we could tell, and we didn’t want to just make a straight sequel to Modern Warfare,” Stern explained to “We started kicking around anything and everything to weed out the bad ideas.

“In the beginning we talked about having things in Modern Warfare 2 like outbreaks, viruses, chemical warfare, and even outlandish things such as aliens and the living dead.”

In the end Stern and the rest of the team at Infinity Ward went with a more grounded version of the real world.


November 23rd, 2009 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 – Intel Locations (videos in HD)

I have created a very nice Intel Locations walkthrough for Modern Warfare 2. Here they are below in HD when you decide to go through Single Player and get them for the 2 achievements. Enjoy and rate if it helped you!

Part 1:

Part 2:

November 9th, 2009 | Comments (10)

One more week, just one more week…

In just one week from right now, Modern Warfare 2 is going to be here! (Obviously) The longest wait ever has finally been depleted to just 1 week finally.

We, team bRos, will be streaming live in High Definition HD all night of release, multiplayer mode. This will be continued throughout the week as well as Spec Ops. Links will be given out here once that night once we go live even though mostly everyone will be playing themselves anyways.

November 3rd, 2009 | Comments (0)

Modern Warfare 2 benefits from NCIS writer

One of the writers behind TV’s top series, NCIS, is also part of the creative team responsible for what’s expected to be the year’s biggest video game.

When NCIS writer and executive producer Jesse Stern first met with the studio’s creative crew nearly three years ago, they impressed him with an animation of a nuclear explosion that became a major plot twist in Modern Warfare, then under development and Stern’s first foray into games.

“That was the first thing that really grabbed my attention. OK, this is the scale we are working with,” says Stern, who helped fine-tune the near-future tale of international combat and political intrigue. “A lot of the contribution I think they expect from me, and I hope to give to the game, is making those moments have an emotional punch to them.”

More jaw-dropping developments are on the way in Modern Warfare 2. The game drew flak in the media for allowing player participation in a terrorist attack on civilians, an element of the secretive plot revealed in a video clip leaked last week.

That footage doesn’t provide full context for the scene, Stern says. “It is upsetting and disturbing, but it’s not what you think it is. You are meant to bear as close a witness as possible to a pretty revolting atrocity. That is the intent of the level, to put you in a situation like that. … It is the shape of modern warfare these days, violence against citizens.”


November 2nd, 2009 | Comments (0)

Fight Against Grenade Spam PSA and some NEW multiplayer footage

Game Winning Kill Cam? Awesome! otherwise, nothing new in this video and just a funny public service announcement for fighting against grenade spam. 😛

October 30th, 2009 | Comments (0)